Professional and scientific publications (unfortunately not complete from the earliest years)
More than 140 publications, close to 30 000 readings, more than 2 500 citations registered at Research Gate. A large number of published congress abstracts, professional, political, and popular texts not included.
Holte, A. Mistillitslommene i samfunnet er dødelige. Derfor er tillitsfondet enda viktigere enn oljefondet. (The mistrust pockets in the society are deadly. Therefore, is the Norwegian trust fund more important than Norway’s oil fund). is Available only digitally.
Øksendal, E., Brandlistuen, R.E., Holte, A., Wang, M.V. Poor motor skills predict peer-victimization and emotional difficulties– results from a population-based Study. Paper submitted for publication.
Clench-Aas, J. & Holte, A. Trust influences the relationship between income and life satisfaction in Europe: Differential associations at national, community, and individual level. Paper resubmitted to PLOS ONE for publication.
See also list of a series of 20 short literature reviews on prevention of depression, listed in 2019.
Holte, A. Se hele barnet! (See the whole child!). Introduction to Martinussen, M., Hansen, M.B., Adolfsen, F. (eds). Familiens hus: Organisering og profesjonelle perpektiver. Second edition. Regional Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Child Welfare, University of Tromsø (Book in Norwegian). 978-82-93031-62-8 Familiens hus (2. utgave) (digital). 978-82-93031-63-5 Familiens hus (2. utgave) (trykket).
A series of 20 short literature reviews on prevention of depression at different arenas or by different methods on (link also at, «Kan vi forebygge depresjon?» (Can we prevent depression?). A new article is published every fortnight. By Mars 25, 2020, 14 papers have been published:
- Artikkel 1 – Kan vi forebygge depresjon? (Can we prevent depression?). - Artikkel 2 – Forebygging av depressive plager hos barn og unge på tvers av arenaer (Prevention of depressive symptoms among children and adolescents across arenas).
- Artikkel 3 – Forebygging av depressive lidelser hos barn og unge på tvers av arenaer (Prevention of depressive disorders among children and adolescents across arenas).
- Artikkel 4 – Forebygging av depresjon i svangerskap og barseltid (Prevention of depression in pregnancy and puerperium).
- Artikkel 5 – Forebygging av depresjon i svangerskap og barseltid – noen psykologiske tiltak (Prevention of depression in pregnancy and puermperperium – psychological interventions).
- Artikkel 6 – Behandling av mors depresjon i svangerskap og barseltid påvirker barnets psykiske helse (Treatment of mother’s depression in pregnancy and puerperium impacts the child’s mentel health).
- Artikkel 7 – Familien som depresjonsforebyggende arena: (The family as an arena for depression prevention).
- Artikkel 8 – Vi kan forebygge depresjon ved å forebygge mishandling. (We can prevent depression by preventing child abuse).
- Artikkel 9 – Barnehagen som depresjonsforebyggende arena. (Child care centres as a depression preventing arena).
- Artikkel 10 – Skolen som depresjonsforebyggende arena. (The school as a depression preventing arena).
- Artikkel 11 – Hvordan skaper vi en arbeidsplass som forebygger depresjon? (How to create a work place that prevents depression).
- Artikkel 12 – Vinterdepresjon: Kan det forebygges?
- Artikkel 13 – Symptomreduserende depresjonsforebygging på Internett: Hva virker?
- Artikkel 14 – Diagnosereduserende depresjonsforebygging på internett: Hva vet vi?
Clench-Aas, J. & Holte, A. Measures that increase social equality are effective in improving life satisfaction in times of economic crisis. BMC Public Health 18:1233.
Holte, A. Våre barns psykisk helse er landets viktigste ressurs (Our children’s mental health is the country’s most important resource). Forord i «Sosial kompetanse i hjem og skole» (Preface to «Social Competence at Home and at School»). Bergen: Info Vest forlag, 2019.
Øksendal E, Brandlistuen RE,
Holte A, Wang MV. Peer-Victimization of Children with Developmental Difficulties – A Population-based Study. Journal of Pediatric Psychology, jsy112,
Holte, A. Syv prinsipper og tjueni grep for et sunnere Norge (Seven principles and twetntynine grasps for a mentally healthier Norway). In Barn i Norge 2018 (Children in Norway 2018). Annual report on childen and adolescents’ mental health. Oslo: Voksne for barn, 2018.
Clench-Aas J, Holte A. Measures that increase social equality are effective in improving life satisfaction in times of economic crisis. BMC Public Health. Nov 6;18(1):1233. doi: 10.1186/s12889-018-6076-3.
Clench-Aas, J., Holte, A. The financial crisis in Europe: Impact on satisfaction with life- Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 45 (18_suppl), 30-40.
Gulliksen, K.S., Espeset, E.M.S., Norbø, R.H.S, Skårderud, F., Holte, A. Four pathways to Anorexia Nervosa: Patient’s perspective on the emergence of AN. Clin Psychol Psychother. Jul;24(4):846-858. doi: 10.1002/cpp.2050. Epub 2016 Oct 11.
Holte, A. Psykisk helse: Utfordringer og muligheter (Mental health: Challenges and potentials). In L. Melvold (Ed). Helstøpt: En bok om kvalitet i barnehagen. Diecast: A book about quality in Norwegian child care centres. Kapittel 4. Oslo: Kommuneforlaget, s. 25-51. (Book chapter).
Holte, A. Slik fremmer vi psykisk helse, forebygger psykiske lidelser og får en mer fornuftig samfunnsøkonomi. (How to promote mental health, prevent mental disorders and get a more rational society economy!). Utposten (The Outpost – Journal of general and society medicine). 46, 21-25.
Sælid GA, Czajkowski N, Holte A, Tambs K, Aarø LE. Positive mental health effects of the Coping With Strain course (CWS) on employees: A four-year longitudinal randomized controlled trial. Paper submitted for publication in International Journal of Mental Health Promotion. 18:3, 158-175, DOI: 10.1080/14623730.2016.1196231
Holte, A. Sats bredt på psykisk helse i barnehage og skole! (Invest comprehensively in mental health in childe care centres and schools!). Aktuell Analyse. Journal of the Norwegian Ministry of Education.
Holte, A. Sats bredt på psykisk helse i barnehage og skole! (Invest comprehensively in mental health in childe care centres and schools!). (reprinted) (Norway’s largest Internet journal on psychology and mental health). 18. june, 2016.
Sælid GA, Czajkowski N, Holte A, Tambs K, Aarø LE. Coping With Strain (CWS) course – its effects on depressive symptoms: A four year longitudinal randomized controlled trial. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology. DOI: 10.1111/sjop.122
Holte, A. Brosikring mot selvmord lønner seg (Bridge safety measures against suicide pays off)., 10.02.2016.
Holte, A. Gjeldsrådgivning kan redusere psykiske lidelser (Debt counselling may reduce mental distress)., 28.03.2016.
Sælid, G. A., Czajkowski, N. O., Holte, A., Tambs, K., & Aarø, L. E. (2016). Interrelationships between self-efficacy, social support and symptoms of depression – cross-lagged modelling based on data from a study among Norwegian employees. Paper submitted to Scandinavian Journal of Psychology.
Wahlbeck K, Cuijpers P, Holte A. Prevention of depression and promotion of resilience in Europe. An expert paper for the EU Group of Governmental Experts on Mental Health and Wellbeing, prepared under the EC Compass Tender.
Forsman AK, Wahlbeck K, Aarø LE, Alonso J, Barry MM, Brunn M, Cardoso G, Cattan M, Girolamo G de, Eberhard-Gran M, Evans-Lacko S, Fiorillo A, Hansson L, Maria Haro J, Hazo J-B, Hegerl U, Katschnig H, Knappe S, Luciano M, Miret M, Nordentoft M, Obradors-Tarrago C, Pilgrim D, Ruud T, Salize HJ, Stewart-Brown SL, Tomasson K, van der Feltz-Cornelis CM, Ventus DBJ, Vuori J, Värnik A, also on behalf of the ROAMER Consortium. Research priorities for public mental health in Europe: recommendations of the ROAMER project. European Journal of Public Health, 1–6. Holte A. Acknowledged contribution as mental health expert on the ROAMER Consortium.
Sancassiani F, Pintus E, Holte A, Paulus P, Moro MF, Cossu G, Angermeyer MC, Carta MG, Lindert J. Enhancing the Emotional and Social Skills of the Youth to Promote their Wellbeing and Positive Development: A Systematic Review of Universal School-based Randomized Controlled Trials. Clinical Practice and Epidemiology in Mental Health 03/2015; 11 (Suppl 1: M2):21-40.
Gulliksen, K.S., Espeset, E.M.S., Norbø, R.H.S, Skårderud, F., Holte, A. The process of help-seeking in Anorexia Nervosa: Patients’ perspective of first contact with health services. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment & Prevention 23, 3, 206-222.
Holte A., Siem H., Vartdal, B. Mental health – Global Challenges. Scientific review report. Oslo: Norwegian Directorate of Aid and Development, 98 p. (in Norwegian).
Holte A. (Ed. and first author), Barry, M.M., Bekkhus, M., Borge, A.I.H., Bowes, L., Casas, F., Friborg, O., Grinde, B., Headey, B.W., Jozefiak, T., Lekhal, R., Marks, N., Muffels, R., Nes, R.B., Røysamb, E., Thimm, J.C., Torgersen, S., Trommsdorff, G., Veenhoven, R., Vittersø, J., Waaktaar, T., Wagner, G.G., Wang, C.E.A., Wold, B., Zachrisson, H.D. Psychology of Child Well-Being. In A. Ben-Arieh, J. Korbin, F. Casas, I. Frønes. (Eds.). Handbook of Child Well-Being: Theories, Methods and Policies in Global Perpective. Vol 1, 555-631. Dordrecht: SpringerReference.
Schumann, G., Binder, E.B., Holte, A., et al. Stratified medicine for mental disorders. European Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology 24, 5–50.
Wittchen H-U, Knappe S, Schumann G. The psychological perspective on mental health and mental disorder research: introduction to the ROAMER work package 5 consensus document. Int. J. Methods Psychiatr. Res. 23(Suppl. 1): 15–27. Holte A: Acknowledged contribution as core expert of the ROAMER work package on Psychological Research and Treatments.
Holte, A. Measurement of Quality of Life in the Climacteric. Climacteric, Submitted for publication.
Thimm, J.C., Holte, A., Brennen, T., Wang, C.E.A. Hope and Expectancies for Future Events in Depression. Frontiers in Psychology 4, 1-6, 24 July. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00470.
Borren, I., Ulriksen, R., Holte, A. Mental Health and Schools: Scientific evidence and best practices in Norway. Report to EUs Joint Action on Mental Health and Well-Being, July 2013. 80 p.
Bamberg, E., Georgas, J., Holte, A., Jern, S., Job, R., Lécuyer, R., Lunt, I., Nieminen, P., Peiro, J.M., Pleh, C., Roe, R., Sabroe, K.E., Tikkanen, T. EuroPsy: European Certificate in Psychology. EFPA Regulations on EuroPsy and Appendices. Brussels: European Federation of Psychologists’ Associations. July 2013.
Holte, A. Centered child care – mostly for children. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 49, xxx-xxx, November, 2012 (in Norwegian).
Holte, A. Ten principles for prevention of mental disorders. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 49, 693-695, July, 2012 (in Norwegian).
Gulliksen, K.S., Espeset, E.M.S., Norbø, R.H.S, Skårderud, F., Geller, J., Holte, A. Preferred therapist characteristics in treatment of anorexia nervosa: The patients` perspective. International Journal of Eating Disorders 45, 932–941
Espeset, E.M.S., Gulliksen, K.S., Nordbø, R.H., Skårderud, F., & Holte, A. The link between negative emotions and eating disorder behaviour in patients with anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorders Review. DOI: 10.1002/erv.2183
Skjelstad, D.V., Holte, A., & Malt, U.F. Putative early manifestations of bipolar II disorder emerge later in the initial prodrome than manifestations hypothesized to be unrelated. An exploratory study. Early Intervention in Psychiatry 6, 460–464.
Holte, A. Introduction. In Adolfsen, F., Martinussen, M., Thyrhaug, A.M., & Vedeler, G.W. (Ed.). The Family`s House Organization and Professional Perspectives. Regional Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Child Welfare, University of Tromsø (Book in English).
Holte, A. Introduction. In Berg, N.B.J. Better before! Preventive mental health work in the school. Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo. (in Norwegian)
Holte, A. Dissociation between subject and method. In von der Lippe A., Rønnestad M.H. The Clinical Interview. Vol II – Practice with different client groups. Gyldendal Akademisk, Oslo. (Book chapter in Norwegian).
Holte, A. Introduction. In Adolfsen F., Martinussen M, Thyrhaug A.M. Vedeler G.W. (Eds). Familiens hus: Organisering og profesjonelle perpektiver. Regional Centre for Child and Adolescent Mental Health and Child Welfare, University of Tromsø – 2011 (Book in Norwegian).
Holte, A. Nonverbal kommunikasjon: Har psykoterapeuter noe å lære? (Non-verbal communication: Is there anything to learn for psychotherapists?). In: Anna von der Lippe & Michael Helge Rønnestad (Ed.). Det kliniske intervjuet, Vol. II, Praksis med ulike klientgrupper (The Clinical Interview, Vol. II, Practice with Different Client Groups). Oslo: Gyldendal, 26 pp.
Skjelstad, D.V., Holte, A., Malt, U.F. Genuine clinical predictors of bipolar II disorder: An exploration of temporal and contextual characteristics. Journal of Affective Disorders 135, 419-423
Nordbø, R.H.S., Espeset, E.M.S., Gulliksen, K.S., Skårderud, F., Geller, J., Holte, A. Reluctance to recover from anorexia nervosa. European Eating Disorder Review. DOI: 10.1002/erv.1097
Espeset, E. M., Gulliksen, K. S., Nordbo, R. H., Skarderud, F., & Holte, A. Fluctuations of body images in anorexia nervosa. Patents’ perception of contextual triggers. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, DOI: 10.1002/cpp.76
Skjelstad, D.V., Malt, U.F., Holte, A. Symptoms and behaviors prior to the first major affective episode of bipolar II disorder. An exploratory study. Journal of Affective Disorders 132, 333-343.
Hinshaw, S.P., Scheffler, R.M., Fulton, B.D., Aase, H., Banaschewski, T., Cheng, W., Holte, A. Levy, F., Mattos, P., Sadeh, A., Sergeant, J.A., Taylor, E., Weiss, M.D.
International Variation in Treatment Procedures for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: Social Context and Recent Trends. Psychiatric Services (May), 62, 459-64.
Espeset, E.M.S., Nordbø, R.H.S., Gulliksen, K.S., Skårderud, F., Geller, J., Holte, A. The concept of body image disturbance in anorexia nervosa: an empirical inquiry utilizing patients’ subjective experiences. Eating Disorders: The Journal of Treatment and Prevention 19, 175-193.
Skjelstad, D., Malt, U.F., Holte, A. Symptoms and signs of the initial prodrome of bipolar disorder: systematic review. Journal of Affective Disorders 126, 1–13.
Dale, K.Y. Ødegård, A., Tschudi, F., Cromwell, R.L., Saunders, B., Elden, Å. & Holte, A. Cognitive Complexity and Dissociative Identity Disorder. Journal of Contrucivist Psychology 23, 2, 158-165.
Flåm A.M., & Holte, A. Psykologisk universitetsklinikk i offentleg helseteneste – ny veg, ny utfordring. Impuls – Tidsskrift for psykologi.
Solvi, A. S., Foss, K., von Soest, T., Roald, H. E., Chr., S. K., & Holte, A. Motivational factors and psychological processes: A qualitative study where women describe how and why they decide to have cosmetic breast augmentation surgery. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aestecic Surgery 63, 4, 673-680.
Møllersen, S. & Holte, A. Effects of client and therapist ethnicity and ethnic matching: A naturalistic study of amulatory mental health treatment in a North Norwegian multiethnic population. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 63:246-255.
Dale, K.Y., Berg, R., Elden, Å., Ødegård, A., & Holte, A. Testing the diagnosis of dissociative identity disorder through measures of dissociation, absorption, hypnotizability and PTSD: a Norwegian pilot study. Journal of Trauma and Dissociation 10, 102-112.
Andal, A., Bratlien, U., Brottveit, Å., Bøckmann, K., Ekgren, J.S., Holte, A., Kjellevold, A., Nilsen, L., Nordli, M., Nordal, A. (alfabetisk rekkefølge). Pårørende – en resurs: Veileder om samarbeid med pårørende innen psykiske helsetjenester (Next-off-kin – a resource: Guidelines on collaboration with relatives in mental health care services). ISBN 978-82-8081-097-7. Oslo: Helsedirektoratet.
Rognmo, K., & Holte, A. Livet med anoreksi: Erfaringer fra mennesker med diagnosen (Living with anorexia: Experiences from individuals with the diagnosis). Oslo: Folkehelseinstituttet (Opplag: 10 000).
Rognmo, K. & Holte, A. Livet med hypokondri: Erfaringer fra mennesker med diagnosen (Living with hypochondira: Experiences from individuals with the diagnosis). Oslo: Folkehelseinstituttet (Opplag: 10 000).
Rognmo, K. & Holte, A. Livet med schizofreni: Erfaringer fra mennesker med diagnosen (Living with schizophrenia: Experiences from individuals with the diagnosis). Oslo: Folkehelseinstituttet (Opplag: 10 000).
Rognmo, K. & Holte, A. Livet med bipolar lidelse: Erfaringer fra mennesker med diagnosen (Living with bipolar disorder: Experiences from individuals with the diagnosis). Oslo: Folkehelseinstituttet (Opplag: 10 000).
Rognmo, K. & Holte, A. Å leve med en mann som drikker for mye: Erfaringer fra kvinner som har en partner med alkoholproblemer (Living with a husband who drinks too much: Experiences from women who has a partner with alcohol problems). Oslo: Folkehelseinstituttet (Opplag 10 000).
Nordbø, R.H.S., Gulliksen, K.S., Espeset, E.M.S., Skårderud, F., Geller, J., Holte, A. Expanding the Concept of Motivation to Change: The Content of Patients’ Wish to Recover from Anorexia Nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorder 41- 7, 635 – 642.
Dale, K.Y., Flaten, M.A., Elden, Å., & Holte, A. Dissociative identity disorder and prepulse inhibition of the acoustic startle reflex. Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment 4 , 653-662.
Møllersen, S. & Holte, A. The concept of ethnicity in mental health research: A systematic review of articles published 1990-2004. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 62, 322 – 328.
Neilands, T., Silvera, D.H., Perry, J., Richardsen, A., Holte, A. A validation and short form of the Basic Character Inventory. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 49, 2, 161–168
Holte, A., Pårørende til psykisk lidende: Fra tilskuer til samarbeidspartner (Next off kin to a mentally ill: From spectator to collaborator). In L. M. Austrem (Ed.). Hør, jeg har noe å fortelle! Om psykisk helsvern (Listen, I have something to tell!). Oslo: Gyldendal Akademisk, 36 pp.
Nordbø RHS, Espeset EMS, Gulliksen KS, Skårderud F, Holte A. The meaning of self-starvation: A qualitative study of patients’ perception of anorexia nervosa. International Journal of Eating Disorder 39, 556-564.
Engmark, L., Alfstadsæther, B., & Holte, A. Diagnosis Schizophrenia: Parents’ Experience. Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Report 2006:6, Oslo. 108 pp.
Skarbø, T., Rosenvinge, J.H., & Holte, A. Alcohol problems, mental disorder, and mental health among suicide attempters, 5-9 years after treatment by child and adolescent outpatient psychiatry. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 60, 351-358
Thorn, A. & Holte, A. Diagnosis Bipolar Affektive Disorder: Parents’ Experience. Report 2006: 5, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Report 2006:5, Oslo. 137 pp.
Wang, C.E., Brennen, T., Holte, A. Decreased approach motivation in depression. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 47, 505 –511.
Wang, C.E., Halvorsen, M., Steffensen, A.L., Sundet, K., Holte, A., Waterloo, K. Verbal memory performance of mild to moderate depressed outpatient younger adults. Journal of Affective Disorder, 92, 283-286.
Wang, C.E., Brennen, T., Holte, A. Automatic and Effortful Processing of Self-Statements in Depression. Cognitive Behaviour Therapy 35, 117-124.
Hoffart, A., Sexton, H., Hedley, L.M., Wang, C.E., Holthe, H., Haugum, J.A., Nordahl, H.M., Hovland, O.J., Holte, A. The structure of maladaptive schemas: A confirmatory factor analysis and a psychometric evaluation of factor-derived scales. Cognitive Therapy and Research 29, 627-644
Møllersen, S., Sexton, HC., Holte, A. Ethnic variations in the initial phase of mental health treatment: A study of Sami and non-Sami clients and therapists in Northern Norway. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 46, 447-457.
Skarbø, T., Rosenvinge, J.H., Holte, A. Suicide Attempts and Life Events 5-9 Years after Referral for Emergency Psychiatric Outpatient Treatment. Nordic Journal of Psychiatry 59. 264-271.
Wang, C.E., Brennen, T., Holte, A. Mechanisms of recurrent depression: A cognitive battle model and some preliminary results. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 12, 427-442.
Øverlie, I., Mørkrid, L., Andersson, A.-M., Skakkebæk, N.E. Moen, M.H., Holte, A. Inhibin A and B as markers of menopause: a five-year prospective longitudinal study of hormonal changes during the menopausal transition. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 84, Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 84, 3, 281–285
Wang, C.E., Brennen, T., Holte, A. Mechanisms of recurrent depression: A cognitive battle model and some preliminary results. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy 12, 427-442.
Finset, A., Øverlie, I., & Holte, A. Musculo-skeletal pain, psychological distress, and hormones during the menopausal transition. Psychoneuroendocrinology, 29, 49-64.
Skarbø, T. Rosenvinge, J.H., Holte, A. Adolescent life events and adult mental health 5–9 years after referral for acute psychiatric outpatient treatment. Clinical Psychology and Psychotheapy 11, 6, 401-413.
Bartram, D., Bramberg, E., Brauner, B., Georgas, J., Holte, A., Jern, S., Job, R., Lecuyer, R., Lloyd, N., Lunt, I., Odland, T., Nieminen, P., Peiro, J.M., Pleh, C., Poortinga, Y., Roe, R., & Tikkanen, T.: European Diploma in Psychology: Proposal form the EuroPsy2 Project Group. London: Camprof, 2003.
Finset, A., Overlie, I., Holte, A. Menopause in Norway: personality, hormones, pain and symptoms. Journal of Psychosomatic Research 55, 2, 119.
Becker A, Nugent JK, Olson K, Holte A. Seasonal variation in newborn behavior. Journal of Reproductive and Infant Psychology 20, 172-172.
Berge, T., Akselsen, E.D., Holte, A., Nielsen, G.H., Nordhus, I.H., Odland, T., & Ommundsen, R. (Ed.). Mestring av depresjon: Veileder i forståelse og behandling av stemningslidelser. (Coping with depression: Task force on understanding and treatment of affective disorders). Oslo: Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 39, april, 70 pp.
Holte, A. Det kliniske intervju: Epistemologiske betraktninger (The clinical interview: Epistemological considerations). In: A.v.d.Lippe & M.H. Rønnestad (Eds.). Det kliniske intervjuet (The Clinical Interview). Gyldendal Akademisk.
Perry, J.A., Silvera, D.H., Rosenvinge, J.H, & Holte, A. Are oral obsessive and hysterical personality traits related to disturbed eating patterns? A general population study of 6,313 men and women. Journal of Personality Assessment 7, 405-416.
Øverlie I., Moen M.H., Finset A. & Holte, A. Androgens and estrogens in relation to hot flushes during the menopausal transition. Maturitas, 41, 69-77.
Øverlie, I., Finset, A., & Holte, A. Gendered personality dispositions, hormone values, and hot flushes during and after menopause. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 23, 219-27.
Fredheim, K., Rosenvinge, J.H. & Holte, A. Psychological treatment of cancer. A review of controlled studies from 1992 – 2000. Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association 121, 2164-8.
Mork, E., Ekeid, G., Ystgaard, M., Mehlum, L., & Holte, A. Psychosocial follow-up after parasuicide in Norwegian general hospitals. Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association 121, 1038-43.
Perry, J.A., Silvera, D.H., Rosenvinge, J.H., Neilands, T., & Holte, A. Seasonal eating patterns in Norway: A non-clinical population study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 42, 207-212.
Rosenvinge, J.H., Perry, J.A., Bjørgum, L., Bergersen, T.D., Silvera, D.H.. & Holte, A. A new instrument measuring disturbed eating patterns in community based populations: Development and inititial validation of a five-item scale (EDS-5). European Eating Disorders Review 9, 123-132.
Jacobsen, G., Haugen, L., Holte, A., Nessa, J.N., Olsen, J.A., Solbakk, J.H. & Sørhaug Chr. Behandling av depresjon i allmennpraksis (Treatment of depression in general practice). Konsensuskonferanse rapport nr. 14. Norges Forskningsråd: Området for medisin og helse. Consesus Conference report from the Medical Research Council of Norway.
Holte, A., Nielsen, G.H., & Rønnestad, M.H. (Eds.). Psykoterapi og psykoterapiveiledning: Teori, empiri,praksis (Psychotherapy and supervision of psychotherapy: Theory, evidence, practice). Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk.
Holte, A. Basal kommunikasjonsteori: Har psykoterapeuter noe å lære? (Basic theory of communication: Is there anything for psychotherapists to learn?). In: A. Holte, G.H. Nielsen & M.H. Rønnestad (Eds.). Psykoterapi og psykoterapiveiledning: Teori, empiri, praksis (Psychotherapy and supervision of psychotherapy: Theory, evidence, practice). Oslo: Gyldendal akademisk.
Øverlie I., Moen, M.H., Mørkrid, L., Skjæråsen, J.S., Holte, A. The endocrine transition around menopause–a five years prospective study with profiles of gonadotropines, estrogens, androgens and SHBG among healthy women. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 78, 642-647.
Holte, A., Greene, G.J. Methods in the study of mood, menopause and HRT. Maturitas 29, 2-4.
Holte, A. Menopause, mood and hormone replacement therapy: methodological issues. Maturitas 29, 5-18.
Holte, A. Non-verbal klinisk kommunikasjon: Fire regimer (Non-verbal clinical communication: Four regimens). I Ø. Ekeberg, A. Finset, S. Friis, S. Opjordsmoen (red.). Pasient og behandler: Personlighet, atferd og samspill i klinisk virksomhet. Festskrift til Per Vaglum på hans 60-årsdag. Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo, 1998.
Silvera, D.H., Bergersen, T.D., Bjørgum, L., Perry, J.A., Rosenvinge, J. H., Holte, A. Analyzing the relation between self-esteem and eating disorder: Differential effects of self-liking and self-competence. Eating and Weight Disorders 3, 95-99.
Holte, A., Magnusson, A. The epidemiology of SAD. In Rosenthal, N. & Lindgjaerde, O. (Eds.). Seasonal Affective Disorder `97: Consensus, Controversies, and Clinical Management. London: Medical Action Communications, Ltd.
Holte, A. Mood and menopause: update 1992-1996. Maturitas 27, Supplement 1, 82.
Overlie I.; Morkrid L.; Finset A.; Holte A. Correlation of sex-hormones to sex-role identification and vasomotor complaints during the menopausal transition in healthy Norwegian women. Maturitas 27, Supplement 1, 83.
Steptoe A., Wardle, J., Fuller, R., Holte, A., Justo, J., Sanderman, R., & Wichstrøm, L. (Senior researcher, Norwegian part: Arne Holte). Leisure-time physical exercise: prevalence, attitudinal correlates, and behavioral correlates among young Europeans from 21 countries. Preventive Medicine 26, 845-854.
Nilsen, K.B., Edvardsen, J., Richardsen, A.M., Konradsen, H., Holte, A. Seasonal affect variation and personality traits among young adults in Finnmark, Troms and Oslo. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 34,
Wang, C.E., Holte, A. Cognitive processing of positive and negative messages among previously depressed and not previously depressed individuals. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 34, xxx-xxx.
Fyhn, O., Holte, A. Treatment of psychoses among children and adolescents in Nordland County: A follow up study of quality, user satisfaction and user feed back. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 34, 979-988
Jensen, K., Holte, A. Information about diagnosis and medication among hospitalized patients with somatic illness and severe mental illness. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 34, xxx-xxx.
Martinussen, M., Holte, A. Selection of students for the professional program in psychology: A validation study. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 34, 130-134.
Nilsen, K.B., Edvardsen, J., Holte, A. Seasonal Affective Disorder: Diagnosis and measurement in epidemiological studies. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 34, xxx-xxx.
Reigstad, B., Larsen, O., Holte, A. Emergency care for children and adolescents: A local perspective on cooperaton. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 34, 13-24.
Wichstrøm, L., Anderson, A.M.C., Holte, A., Wynne, L.C. Disqualifying family communication as predictor of offspring mental health and hospitalization. A 10 to 14 years longitudinal study of children at risk for psychopathology. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease 184, 581-588.
Louise Nicol-Smith. Causality, menopaus, and depression: a critical review of the literature. BMJ 313, 1229. Responsible senior researcher: Holte, A.
Holte A., Natural menopause, estrogen substitution and mood change: What’s new? Newsletter of the Swedish Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Supplement.
Holte, A., Mood change during the climacteric period: A short review of recent research. Newsletter of the Swedish Society for Psychosocial Obstetrics and Gynaecology. Supplement.
Fyhn, O., Hartvigsen, A., Skarbø, T., Holte, A. Prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment of psychosis among children and youth in Nordland. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 33, 3, 206-217.
Fyhn, O., Holte, A. Course of illness among psychotic children and adolescents: A systematic follow-up study of clients treated in Nordland county, Norway. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 33, 1050-1064.
Wichstrøm, L., Anderson, A.M.C., Holte, A., Husby, R., & Wynne, L.C. Confirmatory and disconfirmatory family communication as predictor of offspring socio-emotional functioning. A 10 to 14 years follow-up of children at risk. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 93, 49-56.
Topo, P., Køster, A., Holte, A., Collins, A., Landgren, BM., Hemminki, E., & Uutela, A. Trends in the use of climacteric and postclimacteric hormones in Nordic countries. Maturitas 22, 89-95.
Fyhn, O., Hartvigsen, A., & Skarbø, T., Holte, A. Prevalence, diagnoses, and treatment of psychoses among children and adolescents in Nordland county, Norway. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 32, 833-842.
Hartvigsen, A., Fyhn, O., Gaare, E., Skarbø, T., Reigstad, B., Holte, A. Psychiatric emergency care for children and adolescents: The need for inpatient care in a decentralized service. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 32, 833-842.
Reigstad, B., Holte, A. Psychiatric emergency care for children and adolescents as seen from three positions. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 32, 933-943.
Skarbø, T., Fyhn, O., Gaare, E. Hartvigsen, A., Reigstad, B., Holte, A. Quality in emergency psychiatric services for children and adolescents. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 32, 1013-23.
Wichstrøm, L., Holte, A. Fusion in the parent-relationship of schizophrenics. Psychiatry, 58, 28-43.
Fyhn, O., Gaare, E., Hartvigsen, A., Skarbø, T., Reigstad, B., Holte, A. (1994). Acute mental health services for children and adolescents in Nordand County: Background and preliminary results. Journal of the Norweigan Psychological Association 31, 581 – 591.
Wichstrøm, L., Holte, A., Husby, R., Wynne, L.C. Disqualifying family communication as a predictor of changes in offspring competence: A 3-year longitudinal study of sons of psychiatric patients. Journal of Family Psychology 8, 1, 104-108.
Ekeberg, Ø., Finset, A., Holte, A., Moum, T., Vaglum, P., Øgar, B., Malt, U. A new teaching program in behavioural sciences in Oslo. Tidsskrift for Den Norske Lægeforening 114(7), 47-9.
Steptoe, A., Wardle, J., Vinck, J., Tuomisto, M., Holte, A., Wichstrøm, L. Personality and attitudinal correlates of healthy and unhealthy lifestyles in young adults. Psychology & Health 9, 331-343.
Wichstrøm, L., Holte, A., Husby, R., Wynne, L.C. Competence in Children at Risk for Psychopathology Predicted from Confirmatory and Disconfirmatory Family Communication. Family Process 32, 2, 203–220.
Wichstrøm, L., Holte, A., Wynne, L.C. Disqualifying family communication and anxiety in offspring at risk for psychopathology. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 88(2), 74-9.
Wichstrøm, L., Holte, A. Relationship control and interpersonal perception in marriage. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 34(2), 149-60.
Holte, A. Influences of natural menopause on health complaints: A prospective study of healthy Norwegian women. Maturitas 14, 127-141;
Holte, A. The changing truth about how natural menopause affects health complaints: results from the Norwegian Menopause Project. In K Wijma, B von Schoultz (red.) Reproductive life: advances in research in psychosomatic obstetrics and gynaecology. Casterton Hall: Parthenon.
Wichstrøm, L., Holte, A. Reciprocated self-disqualification among parents of schizophrenics. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. 86, 3, 201–206.
Holte, A., Mikkelsen, A., The menopausal syndrome: a factor analytic replication. Maturitas 13:3, 193-203.
Holte, A. Prevalence of climacteric complaints in a representative sample of middle-aged women in Oslo, Norway. Journal of Psychosomatic Obstetrics & Gynecology 12, 303-317
Holte, A. Mikkelsen, A. Psychosocial determinants of climacteric complaints. Maturitas 13, 205-215
Wichstrøm, L., Holte, A. Confirmatory and disconfirmatory feedback in families of schizophrenics, pathological controls and normals: replication and expansion. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 84, 6, 575–578
Holte, A., Wichstrøm, L. Relationships between personality development, interpersonal perception and communication in parents of schizophrenics, psychiatric controls and normal subjects. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 84, 1, 46–57.
Wichstrøm, L., Holte, A. Maturity of personality and family communication. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 32, 4, 372–383.
Holte, A., Wichstrøm, L. Confirmatory and disconfirmatory feedback in families of schizophrenics, pathological controls and normals. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 81, 5, 477–482.
Holte, A., Wichstrøm, L. Disconfirmatory feedback in families of schizophrenics. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 31, 3, 198–211.
Holte A., Bjøru, E., Sørvig, B.S., Abrahamsen, P. Simultaneous Depression. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 81, 463-467.
Holte, A., Studies on Family Communication and Psychopathology. Doctoral Dissertation. University of Oslo: Department of Behavioural Sciences in Medicine, May, 1990.
Holte, A., Professional communication skills. Scand J Prim Health Care 8, 3, 131-2.
Holte, A. The Holte Sleeping Technique: An experimental study. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 30, 1, 46–51
Holte, A., Wichstrøm, L., Ernø, K.Ø, Kveseth, K. Confirmatory feedback in families of schizophrenics: Theory, menthod and preliminary results. In Hahlweg, K. & Goldstein, M. (Ed). Understanding Major Mental Disorder: The Contribution of Family Interaction Research. Family Process Press, New York.
Kaufert, P., Lock, M., McKinlay, S., Beyenne, Y., Coope, J., Davis, D., Eliasson, M., Gognalons-Nicolet, M., Goodman, M., Holte, A. Menopause research: The Korpilampi workshop. Social Science & Medicine 22:11, 1285-1289
Blaker, Ø., Olavesen, B., Holte, A. The relation between parents’ personality, family interaction and the offsprings’ personality development: II. An experimental study. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 23, 6, 383-392.
Holte, A. & Mikkelsen A. Menstrual coping style, social background and climacteric symptoms. Psychatry and Social Sciences, 1982, xx-xxx
Holte, A. Bemerkninger om relasjonslogikk. I Holter, H. (Red). Kvinner i Fellesskap. Kvinner levekår og livsløp. Universitetsforslaget, Oslo.
Mikkelsen, A., Holte, A. “Takk, jeg har det bare bra!”. I Holter, H. (Red). Kvinner i Fellesskap. Kvinner levekår og livsløp. Universitetsforslaget, Oslo.
Holte, A., Toward a scientific concept of confirmation: I. Concepts and theoretical background. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 16, 4, xxx-xxx.
Holte, A., Toward a scientific concept of confirmation: II. Preparations for an empirical study. Journal of the Norwegian Psychological Association 16, 5, 199-205.
Holte, A., The role of the symptom in psychopathological states. Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 17, 1, 161–170.